Philipp Zöhrer
Eisenbahnstr. 141a, Leipzig
“Come here sweetie, come out.” “Out into what?”
“Out into what?”
“Well... What do you think of being the debutante?”
“This is the world of the unheimlich, the danger that lives not in some distant place, but within the home itself.
The most familiar and sheltering aspect of one’s life turns out to harbor the deepest danger for the safe and sunny constitution of the self. Here architecture and psychology merge into a fantastical anti composition.
The self mirrors itself in its home, the place that is supposed to make it at home in the world.
As soon as it enters this space, however, it finds itself removed from the rational, relational, and ordered word of the outside, and must confront [...] its past and its own death. The body comes to one’s self in the mirror of the home, and strips away the artifice that allows one to pass through the world.”
(Aaron Betsky: Queer Space, p.93 f)

Closet (Nature And Nurture)
wood, glazed ceramics
Stand By
wooden table, tablecloth
The King’s Nightlight
ceramic, glass sphere
Welcome To The Pleasuredome
C-print, wooden frame
Curtains Drawn
Greed Fairy
unfired clay, diamond earrings
Ballad Of The Worms Inside My Eyes
window color on window
Untitled (Schloss Neuschwanstein)
postcard, glazed ceramic
glazed ceramic