Christa Joo Hyun D'Angelo, Parastu Gharabaghi, Daniela Peréz Reverón, Lissy Willberg
Eisenbahnstr. 141a, Leipzig
I have to remember all these moments playing Mario Kart—how leaning into a curve and pressing the right combination of buttons would lead you into some weird kind of turbo boost, catapulting you directly in front of your opponents. Though, if you were not concentrated enough, it would also land you off-road from time to time.
To drift, as deviating from a defined course, to drift apart—the sea ice is drifting!!!
looking into a corner
Here, we encounter four positions that facilitate or manifest strategies on how to cross, overlap and queer spaces and our understanding of such in their work.
With pieces that document processes of flux and which question the characteristics and inscribed habits of how we maneuver throughout space, through our day to day lives, this exhibition wants to sharpen our eyes.
The drift as a shift of language, like this phenomenon in astrology where the paths of planets or moons change. Drift as in the slow movement of continents towards each other.
“Like two tectonic plates make the earth quake”, I recall the lyrics of a song I've been listening way to much to lately.
To me this photo represents a space that was slowly forming over time.
A space that would keep us apart. Keeping us from being how we used to be.
It seems apparent, that this word, DRIFT, is inherently linked to movement.
We wanted to use this idea of DRIFTING as a tool and we wish to further expand some of its classic notions. Extracting this word from its close link to racing sports, which anyways are mostly coded with or linked to male identity in a slightly unpleasant way, we want to transform it into something that goes rather along the lines of change and development—along the sounding of migration and progress—of individuals, society, sportsmen and -women, of all the different colorful Mario Kart characters
office work—gendered landscapes of an icy world—how capitalism massages my neck, writing this text
It wants to leave skid marks
Or eradicate them
Keep your foot from the breaks—or dive right in
Scars pressed into the mud
Let's contemplate these tendencies...

Christa Joo Hyun D'Angelo
"Cool Girl", 2020
video, 4:44 min
Parastu Gharabaghi
"We appreciate your understanding in this matter and apologize for any inconveniences caused", 2020
ceiling panels, foam, fabric
Daniela Peréz Reverón
"2020", 2020
16 C-Prints
Lissy Willberg
"A hand-knitted heedfulness", 2020
epoxy resin, sound, 02:32 min